- ガチャ動画 - DFFOO JP Arciela Showcase ft Prompto, Rinoa





☆投稿者:Jet Khoo

☆公開日:2019-09-10 09:56:38




Full synergy team. No damage taken throughout except Rinoa cutting herself.

Thanks again to Square Enix for bringing us this new character with 9 seconds animation to DFFOO JP!

I do look forward to sword clashing animations with sparks like Squall dragging his gunblade in 012 or Cloud blue aura when he prep for omnislash in Advent Children!

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Enjoy and cheers!

Videos of FEoD fights with Ex-less characters at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlkWYUdPS4yhcU6vCepVq8r7ANOVRANp9

All my DFFOO JP videos are at