- ガチャ動画 - 【DFFOO JP】A2C6 Eald’narche LV180 – 0 BRV? I hardly knew her! [640k score]






☆公開日:2019-03-16 07:40:46




(Y’shtola/Lilisette/Machina with Kuja Support and Ramuh Summon)

I promise myself that I would only swipe the card in case Y’shtola’s Heavensward costume would be released and… lo and behold… f2pbtw status: revoked.

But I digress! Pretty fun fight overall. Maybe a bit on the easy side, though. I’m liking EX+ Y’shtola but for some reasons I feel like something is missing when it comes to her… I don’t know. I’ll need to test her out in non-synergy content before forming a proper opinion.

I’ve managed to snag Lyse’s EX as well but, as she’s sitting on a 0/3 EX+, I’ll refrain saying anything about her till she’s maxed. Too much of her power is hidden behind her EX+ LBs.