- 攻略動画 - 【DFFOO】FEOD 15 feat. Squall






☆公開日:2019-12-13 22:37:48




Well, this was a bit of a rough fight, but it wasn’t super tight. I wiped at around 10% health on turn 109 with Golbez replaced with Squall.

This comp was a lot better able to handle this fight compared to Golbez due to Porom constricting DPS, and Golbez not having enough overflow on AoE attacks. The fight overall was pretty tight due to no free turns and some BRV+s from Porom. Since these guys were speedy, it was also hard to utilize Cecil’s chase.

I had a perfect Burst window with Squall’s Burst buff (to make it less ambiguous sounding) with Porom and Cecil doing some cool stuff in between.

While I tried to minimize the amount of BT/LD users I had, this ended up working out quite well in my favor since every character squeezed a good amount of their kit.

Also sound track is:

Megami Tensei: Boss

