- 攻略動画 - [DFFOO] Agrias Lost Chapter CHAOS (Agrias, Ultimecia, Lilisette)





☆投稿者:Dani Cruz

☆公開日:2019-03-05 09:13:21




Was supposed to upload the portion of the stream on where the CHAOS nodes was completed but due to the technical issues on the stream, I decided to just redo and make a new video instead so the video quality will be better, if you know a good streaming app for IOS, do post it in the comments below so I can try it out before Machina event on Friday.

Now on to the boss fight mechanic, the bosses will do 5 string buffs to themselves after reaching a certain hp threshold, before the duration of their buffs was for only 1 turn but SE decided to make it 2 turns instead, you need someone who can dispel the bosses’ buffs like Faris but I went with Lilisette to debuff them instead and push out their buffs, Agrias was used for the dps, team aura buff and clutch paralysis, her added ability is debuff rate up which is only for one turn but it’s good if you really needed to make the bosses skip a turn, her ex skill debuff is also nice and also works as kinda a paralysis buff since the if the enemy uses a magic brv attack even brv to hp attack as long as it is magic, the enemy will skip a turn, finally, Ultimecia was used for the free turns and the gravity on her skill 2 when the bosses gains a huge amount of brv.


