- 攻略動画 - [DFFOO JP] Across the Battlefield (King Behemot) Step 1 Battle Only – 264,206 Score





☆投稿者:Merstalt Virier

☆公開日:2019-01-16 20:59:56




Missed recording my first run due to emergency work call. Unfortunately the first step can’t be undone so it comes like this, I’m really sorry.

The original party was with Relm but Setzer (again) works just as well. The result should be about like what I shown at first with about 60k-70k healing from Cecil’s HP Regen (roughly 800 for about 75 turns + 4x Holy Flame healing)

The hard part of this mission is just under 6k HP damage and over 30k healing against double King Behemot spamming HP attack. HP Regen counts as healing so Cecil or Eiko could work on this. Serah’s AoE double poison and mBRV down works the wonder to keep the HP damage taken low. The required score is quite low compared to Accel Turbo so it’s safe to take it easy.