- 攻略動画 - [DFFOO JP] Rosa Event EX – 252,775 Score





☆投稿者:Merstalt Virier

☆公開日:2018-07-27 16:22:11




I insist with Sabin this time. I already got him almost all MLB from who knows where, I didn’t even remember pulling for him, and there’s no telling when the next time I got to use him again. And Paladin Cecil again because this is his waifu’s event… and I feel bad for not pulling for her orz

The boss is pretty annoying this time since it has Lightning’s EX weapon mechanic. You need to pay attention to your BRV and avoid being broken when the boss is in stance. And this pair of boss will automatically powered up and entered stance when the other is half HP or dead. It’s pretty easy to slip but it should be fine if you’re pay attention to this.

And unlike how it looks, all their attacks are physical so Galuf is pretty much Godly here.

