- 攻略動画 - [JP] DFFOO: Sap the scorpions away! (Emperor LC CHAOS ft. Artless Yda!)





☆投稿者:Alphinaud Leveilleur

☆公開日:2020-01-22 09:38:30




Yda and Maria shine beautifully here. Despite the scorpions being immune to poison, Yda’s sap debuff and the poison-tick from Faris’s sphere combined with Maria’s trap debuff from her ex makes the gimmick of these scorpions a joke. Gilgamesh still hits just as hard as I remember, it was a blast bringing him here, he was doing mad work.

I’m lazy to do Yda’s arts so she’s staying artless until she’s synergy on another event hehe.

Oh yeah, Emperor got his LD weapon too I suppose lol. It’s incredibly good. Like, REALLY good my gods. I showed it off as much as possible via friend support (thank you Deez) as his dps is just insanely high.