- 攻略動画 - [JP] Final Fantasy Dissidia Opera Omnia Barret EX Lv100 204k Points





☆投稿者:Josh Chua

☆公開日:2018-07-08 00:59:41




I give up trying to pull for Tifa’s EX weapon. In my opinion, this stage is kinda hard to reach 190k points without any launcher in the team. Barret’s kit is kinda good imo. His avalanche buff which gives max brv up and attack up stacks with other buffs.

In my opinion for Barret, I think he’s pretty good outside his synergy event. His buffs stacks with other buffs so he can be paired well with supports such as Cait Sith, Lilisette etc. Along with having a good support kit, he can damage well. His Grenade Bomb is 4-hit AOE brv+HP attack and his Big Shot is an AOE 1 hit brv attack (brv+HP is he reaches 80% of max brv).


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ID Name: Hedwigg
ID: 199332056